O R T H O - MO L E C U L A R M E D I C I N E

Vitamin Supplement Injections and Infusions
The main cause of many health issues such as low vitality, restlessness, fatigue, weakness of the immune system, and being prone to infections or even the famous burn-out syndrome may usually be vitamin or mineral deficiency. If the human body is under greater stress either physically or psychologically the need for those vital substances increases even to a greater extent. In order to meet the body’s vitamin demands, one should eat at least 4 to 5 portions of fruits and vegetables daily. That’s why many people can’t take sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals solely through their daily diet.
Vitamin cures as injections or infusions can compensate for this deficit, and support the metabolism to regain its balance.
There are many different types of vitamin infusions which can be specifically selected and prepared according to the health problems of any individual patient. For instance, in case of infection-susceptibility vitamin-C infusions are applied. In order to cure concentration deficit and physical performance drop, injections of vitamin-B complex are preferred. Furthermore Ginkgo injections are used in order to treat problems like dizziness, amnesia, and circulatory disorders.
If required so called „Vitamin-Cocktails” which are prepared as a mixture of the above mentioned vitamins can be applied to cure the patient’s specific health problems.
Prior to the very first therapy session, an analysis of the patient’s current vitamin reserves is run and eventually a mixture is prepared according to its results, in order to restore the specific deficiencies of the individual.

Vitamin and Supplement Cures are clever provisionary Investments in your Health
Undergoing supplementary therapies such as revitalization cure make sense
- As a preventive measure strengthening the immune system especially before the cold season,
- As a support during the recovery phases after an operation or treatment of a serious disease,
- During or after all acute or chronic diseases,
- For maintaining the vitamin and mineral balance of your body
- For elderly, smokers, and victims of stress,
- As a preparation for the upcoming physically or psychologically difficult phases
- As a support to burn-out therapy
- As an anti-aging treatment.

An increase in infection susceptibility often results from a vitamin C deficit. At the onset of a viral disease, the level of vitamin C in the leucocytes (the defense cells of the immune system) decrease drastically within only few hours.
An additional supply of vitamin C can compensate for that decrease and consequently strengthen the leucocytes significantly. The water-soluble vitamin C has many additional functions which are also used in the treatments of allergies, inflammatory rheumatic diseases, and tissue repair disorders.
When is the need for Vitamin C higher?
The need for Vitamin C increases
- During infectious diseases,
- If you suffer from chronic aches and pains,
- During Inflammatory rheumatic diseases
- During serious injuries and after operations (Since Vitamin C facilitates tissue repair),
- In cases of Allergies (Vitamin C inhibits the secretion of histamine which is the substance that causes allergic symptoms like running nose, burning eye),
- If you suffer from Circulatory disorders,
- If you smoke
- During heavy physical exercise (performance athletes)
- by Alcoholism
- With stress and psychological strain (Vitamin C helps body regain its inner balance, and has an anti-depressive effect)
- With age (Vitamin C is applied in anti-aging cures since it facilitates collagen synthesis)
- During Chemo and radiation therapy (http://www.carstensstiftung.de/artikel/hochdosiertes-vitamin-c-in-der-krebstherapie.html)
- After the treatment of cancer
- While using certain medication.
Why Infusion and neither tablets nor powder?
It’s only possible through infusion to increase the vitamin C level in blood fast and effectively. With respect to infusion, intestinal absorption of vitamin C is significantly slow. Since vitamin C is water soluble, the excess of it is excreted easily.
Due to its effectiveness, infusion (high-dose Vitamin C) is recommended for therapeutic applications especially if there is problem in the intestines which hinder the absorption. After the infusion of high-dose vitamin C, vitamin C level of the blood increases significantly thus the deficiency in the tissues is
effectively resolved.
Which Vitamin C Product is used?
In our clinic PACORBIN® by Pascoe is used. It’s an approved product which is perfectly appropriate for our therapies. It doesn’t contain any conservatives or stabilizers.
How long does an Infusion session take?
An infusion session takes about 35 to 40 minutes.
Which Effects does Vitamin C have on our Body?
Vitamin C can activate numerous cellular metabolic processes such as:
- Increasing body‘s resistance,
- Being active in metabolic processes of nervous and endocrine system,
- Strengthening the immune system,
- Acting as a strong anti-oxidant,
- Degradation and disposal of allergic symptoms causing histamine,
- Supporting iron resorption
- Regulating fat metabolism
- Minimizing the effects of environmental pollutants and other toxins
- Stimulating prostaglandin synthesis thus facilitating the recovery from inflammations,
- Regeneration of bones and joint tissues,
- Stimulation of interferon synthesis thus strengthening the anti-viral resistance of cells against viral diseases such as shingles,
- Functioning as an protective agent for Vitaimins A,B, and E.
The costs of the high-dose vitamin C infusion therapy are not refunded by statutory health insurances.
Reference: http://www.naturheilkunde.de/vitamin-c-infusionstherapie.html

Vitamin B Injections and Infusions
The most important B vitamins:
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) – The „Moral-Vitamin“
- Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
- Vitamin B3, also calledNicotinic acid (Niacine)
- Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid)
- Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine, Pyridoxamine and Pyridoxal)
- Vitamin B7, also called Vitamin H (Biotin)
- Vitamin B9, also called Folic acid
- Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine)
Vitamin B1 and B6
The vitamins B1 and B6 are used to treat diseases of nervous system. They have remarkable effect on many metabolic reactions by which they support the nervous system. Both vitamins are given as a mixture during certain neural diseases, since they are more affective in combination with one another rather than a separate intake for each of them.
Vitamin B1 and B6 are especially important for the regeneration of nervous system: They support endogenous repair processes facilitating the growth of nerve fibers. In addition, they are involved in the regeneration of damaged nerves and have pain-relieving effect.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is also called essential vitamin which means that the body cannot produce it itself but should take it from outside. Thus without a regular vitamin B12 supply, health starts to deteriorate drastically.
Some of the Functions of Vitamin B12 in Human Body:
- Supporting the synthesis of DNA,
- Supporting the formation of myelin layer around the nerve fibers,
- Facilitating cell division,
- Production of red blood cells,
- Blood clotting,
- Utilization of iron,
- Synthesis of neurotransmitter acetylcholine
- Activation of folic acid
Folic Acid
Folic acid is very important for growth processes like cell division that take place in the body. Since blood producing cells in the bone marrow divide very rapidly, sufficient supply of vitamin for those cells are extremely crucial.
Especially, during pregnancy folic acid deficiency may lead to the malformation of brain and spinal cord of the fetus which is called spina bfida or more commonly open defect.
Prior to the very first therapy session, an analysis of the patient’s current vitamin reserves is run and eventually a mixture is prepared according to its results, in order to restore the specific deficiencies of the individual.
Vitamin and Supplrmentary Cures are clever provisionary Investments in your Health
We state that the here mentioned natural therapies are not scientifically and/or by medical schools recognized. There are no scientifically approved evidence by medical authorities for their effects.

Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Vitamin-Aufbauinfusionen, die je nach Beschwerde- oder Krankheitsbild individuell für jeden Patienten zusammengestellt werden. So werden zum Beispiel bei einer erhöhten Infektanfälligkeit Vitamin-C-Infusionen gegeben. Bei Konzentrations- und Leistungsminderung kommen Vitamin-B-Komplex-Infusionen zum Einsatz. Symptome wie Schwindel, Vergesslichkeit und Durchblutungsstörungen werden mit Ginkgo-Infusionen behandelt verabreicht.
Aber auch eine Kombination von oben genannten Infusionen ist möglich, dann wird dem Patienten ein „Vitamin-Cocktail“ entsprechend seines Beschwerdebildes infundiert.
Vor der ersten Verabreichung einer Kur werden durch eine vorhergehende Untersuchung des Patienten seine Reserven gezielt bestimmt und dann die individuelle Nährstoffzusammensetzung ermittelt.

Einsatz der Vitamin-Aufbauinfusionen
Die Vitamin-Aufbauinfusionen kommen in folgenden Fällen zum Einsatz:
- Aufbau, Stärkung und Regeneration des Gesamtorganismus
- Vitamin- und Mineralstoffmangel
- Nervenerkrankungen und -leiden Vitamin-Aufbauinfusion
- degenerative Knochen- und Gelenkserkrankungen
- Erholungsphasen nach Krankheiten
Vitamin- und Aufbaukuren sind eine sinnvolle Vorsorge-
Investition in Ihre Gesundheit.